Case Study
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region Website
Timely health care information and application access for 400K Saskatchewan residents.
The Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region has the responsibility to manage and deliver health care services to nearly 400,000 citizens across Southern Saskatchewan. Their historical website property was aging out on two dimensions: the region-managed web server couldn't meet visitor demand, and the 10,000+ content items were being content managed as individual HTML and resource files by communications resources stretched in too many directions. Amplify assisted the region with a data-driven website publishing approach that distributed content editorial responsibility directly into the hands of the subject matter experts.
Challenge Transition To A Content Managed Platform
The Region's website property consisted of thousands of hard-coded HTML webpages organized in a dizzying array of sub-directories and loosely linked menu structures. The content could not easily be viewed on smart phone and tablet devices, as its publication legacy long pre-dated the availability of these devices. And, as comprehensive as the information was, it was difficult to find and manage.
Solution Data-Driven Platform, Custom CMS
Amplify quickly determined that a data-managed content publishing approach was key to reducing the administrative burdens faced by the Region. We recommended use of the Adobe Business Catalyst website hosting platform for one key reason: it's custom Web App capabilities.
Using a standardized content management and workflow approach, we implemented web apps for each of the contextual content subject categories, and enlisted associated subject matter experts to assume responsibility for their content resources directly. And, we established rigid editorial controls for the Regions's managing Communication department to ensure the contributed content is high fidelity and on brand.
We further used web apps to knit additional bits of Region data together into helpful public facing web applications to find facilities, to find physicians accepting patients, and to find career opportunities. Behind the scenes, numerous applications support new, events, homepage management, run of site advertisements, content contributor management and much more.
Result 60+ Content Experts, 18,000+ Items Managed
The Region's network of over 60 content contributors and subject matter experts ensures high content fidelity. Amplify's automated publishing workflow design guarantees client control over brand, messaging and release schedules, leaving their Communications resources the time and energy to focus on strategic, rather than content production issues.
Conclusion Problem Solved
The robust, cloud based publishing platform and web app solutions developed have provided the Region with years of web publishing service with minimal maintenance or revision costs.